Saturday, July 9, 2011

Almost 4 months already!

I feel like I need different blogs for different aspects of my life. I sit down to type and I think about everything that has happened since the last post and I feel overwhelmed by everything I need to touch on. The whole point of doing this blog is to keep record of things going on and clearly, I'm not very good at it.

The pregnancy has been going very smoothly now that I don't have weekly doctor appointments and blood work. I think besides the birth of this baby, the day I was released from the fertility doctor was the most exciting day of this pregnancy. Talking with other surrogates, it is not usual to have weekly monitoring or meds for as long as I did (which was up until week 13). This is part of the reason I call Dr. H a mad scientist. She is good at what she does and wants to make sure all of the hard work pays off. And even weeks later, as I sit down, I am reminded of the three months of shots I endured and am grateful for the mad scientist because there is a healthy baby growing inside my belly.

I had my last routine ultrasound at week 12 with my favorite ultrasound tech Nancy. It was bittersweet because she has been so helpful and she even let us record the last appointment. If I can eventually get that edited a little I will post that as well. The baby was moving all over and it was so fun to get that on video to share with T and F. Well, when I share it with them. Sorry guys!

Nancy (my awesome ultrasound tech) and I - at our last appointment

12 weeks

I then went in at 13 weeks 3 days to have a genetic ultrasound test done so I was able to see the little one again then. Everything looked good but we are still waiting on results. The joys of medical tests...hurry up and wait. Sounds like my life.

13 weeks 3 days

Well, since I don't have a lot of updates I will share some pictures. And to get it out of the way so I don't have to keep saying "the baby." It's a girl!!! Now, just waiting on a name. Hint, hint F and T!

I was given permission by F to share pictures of her. So I would like to introduce you to the mommy! This was the morning of our transfer and I am holding a picture of the two little embryos that were transferred.

Mad scientist, host uterus, and the mommy.

12 weeks pregnant

13 weeks - please ignore the hair and lack of make-up

14 weeks 3 days

15 weeks - the camera adds 10 pounds (I'm sure of it)

F was also able to make a quick trip up to Visalia with a friend of hers. So I drove down there to meet them for lunch. It was so quick but so nice to get to see her and meet one of her friends.

Whew - That's all I have to say about that!

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