Monday, February 2, 2015

Transfer and 1st Beta

I'm so sorry I haven't undated but those of you who don't know, a dear friend of mind passed away last week and I moved my kiddos to a different school. So I have been a little preoccupied.

So, I showed up to my transfer at 10:00 for a 10:30 transfer with my awesome supporter, my mom. Things were a little hectic in the office and they didn't start the transfer until about 11:15. Once I got in the room both of the doctors who work there were in the room to help each other. I said "oh I get the VIP treatment" and one of them said "we want you to get pregnant". I said "yeah, that would be nice". Everything went perfectly. They had 9 out of the 10 embryos make it to day 5 so they picked the 2 very best and were able to freeze 7. Once he was done he said the transfer went very smoothly and I even got to see the 2 little white dots on the ultrasound machine. Very cool.

I came home and laid on my couch for 2 days. That was blissful. Then, because I'm addicted to home pregnancy tests, I started testing Saturday night. Yes I know, that was only 2 days after my transfer. But with 30 home tests what else am I supposed to do? Well, it was negative of course. Then Sunday night I tested with one of the "good" tests. In my world, this is the first response brand. I saw a line..wait, is it a line. Yes, totally a line. I brought in Travis to look "I think I see something". Not quite dark enough to take a picture and post to other surrogate friends. (This is what we do..we take pictures, post it to our secret groups and analyze each others home pregnancy tests. Don't judge.) Monday morning I took another one and it was definitely there. I was elated. Finally, this is it!

I took a few more to make sure it got darker and sure enough it did. I could take a little breath knowing the pregnancy hormone was rising making the possibility of a chemical pregnancy a lot less. I still had to wait until today (11dp5dt) to get the first beta number to feel even better that this pregnancy was progressing. I couldn't wait any longer so I called the doctor. I was put on hold and when the girl came back she said "we have your results and they look good...your beta is 1225." WHAT??? This number is outrageous. I had to ask her to repeat herself because I was floored. Just to give you a perspective, the last successful surrogacy of mine started off with twins and that number was 478. Granted, it was drawn 2 days earlier but still, this is a very high number. I'm a little concerned there is a litter growing in there. They told me I have to go back on Wednesday to make sure the number increases. We are hoping that it at least doubles and then I will be scheduled for an ultrasound. So, I have to wait until then to actually find out how many babies are growing. The doctors did only transfer 2 (I made sure) however, there is always a possibility they could split. I'm just happy we have a strong beta and we will take each day as it comes. I will try to update on Wednesday but it is going to be a long emotional day for me, but I'll do my best.    

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